Darien EMS has three fully equipped, staffed ambulances which run 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The organization operates under the strict medical direction and oversight of Stamford Hospital. Doctors from Stamford Hospital help train Post 53 members and all calls are reviewed by the EMS Quality Assurance Director at Stamford Hospital. This review includes not only the patient care given, but also response and on-scene times.
The Town of Darien uses a tiered response system that starts with the Darien Police and one of the three Darien fire departments when necessary. They are quickly followed by the dispatch of an adult supervisor EMT, the ambulance and, when necessary, Stamford EMS paramedics based in Darien.
Stamford EMS has been providing paramedic intercept services for Darien residents since 1995. The paramedics who cover Darien are selected based on their medical excellence as well as their ability to work with the adults and young adults of Post 53. As of October 2016, these paramedics are based in Darien.
“Darien’s highly trained personnel, their outstanding stair step response system including Supervisor EMTs, the Darien Police as first responders, and close proximity to Stamford EMS and Norwalk EMS paramedics when needed, and the Stamford and Norwalk Hospitals, provide excellent medical treatment. As a resident of Darien and a doctor, I sleep well at night knowing the Darien EMS system is solid, totally integrated with surrounding town resources, and ready to respond.”